How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac
How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac

how to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac
  1. How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac software#
  2. How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac windows#

Using this feature departs from the default handling of programs in OS X, but it may be useful in several instances, such as if you are using known buggy software that you need to keep running for one purpose but wish to quickly test in a new situation - if the test setup crashes, then the other should still be running. This command tells the system to open a new instance (the "-n" flag) of an application (the "-a" flag) that is the given name in quotes. Therefore, if you would like to open a second or third instance of a specific program, you'll need to do so via the Terminal command line using the following: While this is how Apple designed OS X to behave, it is actually an appended feature to the Unix-like underpinnings of the OS, where the system supports launching multiple instances of background services and other tasks via the command line. Therefore if you open TextEdit, then by opening the program file in the Finder again, you will simply be switched to the running TextEdit instance, instead of opening another one along side it.

how to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac

On the other hand, in OS X applications are not isolated to a similar window, and instead are treated largely as single-instance programs so only one will launch at a time. If you open the program again then often the system will launch a second instance of this program that runs along side the first, so each can be quit and managed independently.

how to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac

With Windows, each program will generally load in a single window that contains the program's menus and other details, and then be managed in that window.

How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac windows#

One of the major differences in how applications are handled between Windows and OS X are how the system presents them to you in the user interface.

How to run cleanreminders switch for outlook on mac